a new perspective on adult things.

Together, we can change the conversation around sexual wellness.

What Moves Us.

We look at intimate vibes as just that, another tool in the kit to explore sexual wellness – between you, yourself and whomever you choose to have that conversation with.

our things.

  • Purple Rain

    Rated 0 out of 5
    Original price was: $60.00.Current price is: $45.00.

    7-speed, dual function external vibe.

  • Lola

    Rated 0 out of 5
    Original price was: $60.00.Current price is: $45.00.

    10-speed, curved internal function vibe.

why choose us.


sexual health


good vibes

It’s About Trust.

Intimacy starts with building trust. Which is why we are offering a 100 day return policy across our full range of intimate devices. We want you to feel safe exploring what sexual wellness means to you with no strings attached.

Sex ed is part of sexual wellness.

Safe Sex

What does a healthy sex life look like when you’re in a committed, long-term marriage or relationship?

Promoting healthy relationships and sex lives Most couples in long-term relationships wonder at some point whether their sex lives are normal. With the added pressure ...
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Safe Sex

The best way to play is safely

The basic rules about protection and how to take responsibility for your own sexual health The healthiest relationships, and sex lives, are built on mutual ...
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Safe Sex


What are sexual boundaries? And how do we talk about them? Let’s talk about boundaries. Most people have them when it comes to the bedroom, ...
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